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Hello! It's nice to meet you.

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I am a user experience designer with a focus on content strategy, or to put it simply: I am a professional problem solver that has a knack for digital storytelling. 

Stories have been a part of who we are as humans since the beginning of time, living at the core of how our minds work to define and interpret the world around us. However, no one wants their story to leave on a cliffhanger, right

I believe that a strong user experience strategy must encapsulate the powerful impact of storytelling, by solving a problem and guiding the user through a meaningful journey - from start to finish

After working with individuals who have intellectual and physical disabilities for many years, I am a very empathetic person that has a passion to make the world a more inclusive and accessible place. By combining this passion with my design thinking skills, my goal is always to understand my users' needs so I can make their lives easier by solving problems, providing answers, and alleviating frustrations.


Send me a message, I'd love to get to know you better.

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